FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects

Verilog License Plate Recognition on FPGA

A plate license recognition system is implemented in Matlab and then it is implemented on FPGA Xilinx Spartan-6 using Verilog. Below is the test environment for the system on FPGA.

Verilog code for License Plate Recognition

Image memory: 10 images and convert it into .dat format ( gray data). We use $readmemh(synthesizable) Verilog command to initialize the memory by reading gray data from .dat file. 10 images are converted into Gray format and write to the .dat file by using Matlab.

Plate License Recognition core: Use a switch on FPGA as the “start” signal to trigger this core working and output the plate license numbers.

Monitor on LEDs: When the “done” signal is rising-edge, this block periodically displays plate license numbers.  

Verilog code for License Plate Recognition

Top level Verilog code for testing the license plate recognition system:

// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
// Verilog project: License Plate Recognition in Verilog and Matlab 
// Top level module for testing the license plate recognition system
module Test_top(input clk // 33MHz   
                               ,rst, start,  
                               output reg[5:0] led  
      reg [7:0] image_pixel_val;  
      // Outputs  
      wire done;  // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
      wire [15:0] image_pixel_addr;  
      wire [5:0] ReadCh;  
      reg[5:0] num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7;  
      reg [2:0] count,count_4s;  
      wire CharCheck;  
      reg clk_4s,display;  
      integer counter;  
      reg [7:0] image_inv [0:65535];  
   // Instanitate the license plate recognition system 
      LPChRec uut (  
   // Read License Plate Image file into FPGA 
      initial begin  
      $readmemh ("10.dat", image_inv, 0, 65535);  
      always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) // clock 4s  
           if(rst) begin  
                clk_4s <= 1'b0;  
                counter <= 0;  
                counter <= counter + 1;  
                if(counter <= 66000000) clk_4s <= 1'b0;  
                else if(counter > 132000000)   
                     counter <=0;  
                clk_4s <= 1'b1;  
      always @(posedge clk)  
           image_pixel_val <= image_inv[image_pixel_addr];            
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
   always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)  
           if(rst) begin   
                count = 3'd0;  
                num1 <= 40;  
                num2 <=0;  
                num3 <= 0;  
                num4 <= 0;  
                num5 <= 0;  
                num6 <= 0;  
                display <= 0;  
                if(CharCheck) begin  
                count = count + 1'd1;  
                     num1 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd2)  
                     num2 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd3)  
                     num3 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd4)  
                     num4 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd5)  
                     num5 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd6)  
                     num6 <= ReadCh;  
                else if(count==3'd7)  
                     num7 <= ReadCh;  
                else begin  
                num1 <= 0;  
                num2 <=0;  
                num3 <= 0;  
                num4 <= 0;  
                num5 <= 0;  
                num6 <= 0;  
                if(done) display <= 1;  
 // fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
      always @(posedge clk_4s or posedge rst) begin  
           if(rst) begin count_4s <= 0; led <=0; end  
           else begin   
           if(display) begin  
           count_4s <= count_4s + 1;  
           if(count_4s==0) led <= num1;  
           else if(count_4s==1) led <=num2;  
           else if(count_4s==2) led <=num3;  
           else if(count_4s==3) led <=num4;  
           else if(count_4s==4) led <=num5;  
           else if(count_4s==5) led <=num6;  
           else if(count_4s==6) led <=num7;  
           else count_4s <= 0;  

Verilog code for License Plate Recognition System:

// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
// Verilog project: License Plate Recognition in Verilog 
// Top level Verilog code for License Plate Recognition
module LPChRec(  
   input clk,  
   input rst,  
   input start,  
       input [7:0] image_pixel_val,  
       output [15:0] image_pixel_addr,  
   output [5:0] ReadCh,  
       output CharCheck,  
   output done  
 wire [7:0] ccl_th_low;  
 wire [7:0] ccl_th_high;  
 wire [7:0] image_pixel_val1;  
 wire [15:0] image_pixel_addr1;  
 wire [15:0] ImgAddr;  
 wire [7:0] ImgVal;  
 wire [7:0] ObjAddr1;  
 wire [55:0] ObjInfo;  
 wire                ccl_done,active;  
 assign ccl_th_low = 8'd40;  
 assign ccl_th_high = 8'd255;  
 assign image_pixel_addr = (active)?ImgAddr:image_pixel_addr1;  
 assign image_pixel_val1 = image_pixel_val;  
 assign ImgVal                    = image_pixel_val;  
// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
// Image processor unit
 image_processor image_processor_inst (  
// fpga4student.com FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects 
// Create object module 
 CreateObj CreateObjInst (  

Matlab Recognition Results:

Verilog code for License Plate Recognition

Video Demo for the License Plate Recognition System on FPGA:

2. Verilog code for FIFO memory
3. Verilog code for 16-bit single-cycle MIPS processor
4. Programmable Digital Delay Timer in Verilog HDL
5. Verilog code for basic logic components in digital circuits
6. Verilog code for 32-bit Unsigned Divider
7. Verilog code for Fixed-Point Matrix Multiplication
8. Plate License Recognition in Verilog HDL
9. Verilog code for Carry-Look-Ahead Multiplier
10. Verilog code for a Microcontroller
11. Verilog code for 4x4 Multiplier
12. Verilog code for Car Parking System
13. Image processing on FPGA using Verilog HDL
14. How to load a text file into FPGA using Verilog HDL
15. Verilog code for Traffic Light Controller
16. Verilog code for Alarm Clock on FPGA
17. Verilog code for comparator design
18. Verilog code for D Flip Flop
19. Verilog code for Full Adder
20. Verilog code for counter with testbench
21. Verilog code for 16-bit RISC Processor
22. Verilog code for button debouncing on FPGA
23. How to write Verilog Testbench for bidirectional/ inout ports
28. Verilog code for Decoder
29. Verilog code for Multiplexers
30. N bit Adder Design in Verilog
31. Verilog vs VHDL: Explain by Examples
32. Verilog code for Clock divider on FPGA
33. How to generate a clock enable signal in Verilog
34. Verilog code for PWM Generator
35. Verilog coding vs Software Programming
Verilog VHDL Tool


  1. Hello,
    I am interested in replicating this FPGA project and was wondering if you can provide some code and documentation that I can use. Thank you for your time it is very much appreciated.


    Roger C.

    1. Please contact me through my email: loi09dt1@gmail.com

    2. I am doing this same project for final year.Can u plz provide me the code and steps for implementing it.
      Thank you in advance

    3. Kindly email me via admin@fpga4student.com

  2. Do we need any separate program for character recognition and Detection?

  3. We need many more others code for recognition. Not only the code above.

  4. Do you have all the codes to implement this on fpga?If yes,can you tell me how to get it?

  5. does anyone have the complete code for this project? will the above code work for the number plate recognition project?

  6. Please send me that code, this code is not complete

    1. Hi, this is just an example code for reference. Full code for this project is not provided.

    2. I request to all members please provide a full code of this project and tell where I get this full code because I need this code for my final project

    3. This project is complicated and it takes time to do. Try to spend some time on it to learn even more.
