Last time, I posted a Verilog code for a 16-bit single-cycle MIPS Processor and there were several requests for a Verilog code of a 32-bit 5-stage pipelined MIPS Processor. The first problem with the single-cycle MIPS is wasteful of the area which only each functional unit is used once per clock cycle. Another serious drawback is that the clock cycle is determined by the longest possible path in the Processor. Thus, the pipelined MIPS came out to solve those problems by exploiting most functional unit in one clock cycle and improving the performance by increasing the instruction throughput. However, the pipelined MIPS also faces challenges such as control and data hazards.
Today, a 32-bit 5-stage pipelined MIPS Processor will be designed and implemented in Verilog.
Verilog code for special modules such as Forwarding Unit, Flush Control Unit and Stall Control unit for solving hazards will be also provided. The Verilog code for 32-bit pipelined MIPS Processor is mostly done by using structural modeling.
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Pipelined MIPS Design Flow |
The design flow for the 32-bit pipelined MIPS flow is shown in the above figure. However, at first, the instruction set of the MIPS Processor is as follows:
2. BNE rs, rt, imm16: if (Reg[rs] != Reg[rt]) PC = PC + 4 + Sign_ext(Imm16)<<2 else PC = PC + 4.
3. J target: PC = { PC[31:28], target, 00 }.
4. JR rs: PC = Reg[rs].
5. LW rt, imm16(rs): Reg[rt] = Mem[Reg[rs] + Sign_ext(Imm16)].
6. SLT rd, rs, rt: If (Reg[rs] < Reg[rt]) Reg[rd] = 00000001 else Reg[rd] = 00000000.
7. SUB rd, rs, rt: Reg[rd] = Reg[rs] – Reg[rt].
8. SW rt, imm16(rs): Mem[Reg[rs] + Sign_ext(Imm16)] = Reg[rt].
9. XORI rt, rs, imm16: Reg[rt] = Reg[rs] XOR Zero_ext(Imm16).
From the instruction set architecture, the single-cycle datapath with the control unit of the MIPS Processor is obtained as shown below.
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Single-Cycle MIPS Datapath with Control Unit |
Now, presenting the Verilog code for the single-cycle MIPS Processor datapath first.
Verilog code for instruction memory:
/* Instruction memory module. Change the $readmemb line to have the name of the program you want to load */ // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Instruction memory module `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module InstructionMem(instruction, address); input [31:0] address; output [31:0] instruction; reg [31:0]instrmem[1023:0]; reg [31:0] temp; buf #1000 buf0(instruction[0],temp[0]), buf1(instruction[1],temp[1]), buf2(instruction[2],temp[2]), buf3(instruction[3],temp[3]), buf4(instruction[4],temp[4]), buf5(instruction[5],temp[5]), buf6(instruction[6],temp[6]), buf7(instruction[7],temp[7]), buf8(instruction[8],temp[8]), buf9(instruction[9],temp[9]), buf10(instruction[10],temp[10]), buf11(instruction[11],temp[11]), buf12(instruction[12],temp[12]), buf13(instruction[13],temp[13]), buf14(instruction[14],temp[14]), buf15(instruction[15],temp[15]), buf16(instruction[16],temp[16]), buf17(instruction[17],temp[17]), buf18(instruction[18],temp[18]), buf19(instruction[19],temp[19]), buf20(instruction[20],temp[20]), buf21(instruction[21],temp[21]), buf22(instruction[22],temp[22]), buf23(instruction[23],temp[23]), buf24(instruction[24],temp[24]), buf25(instruction[25],temp[25]), buf26(instruction[26],temp[26]), buf27(instruction[27],temp[27]), buf28(instruction[28],temp[28]), buf29(instruction[29],temp[29]), buf30(instruction[30],temp[30]), buf31(instruction[31],temp[31]); always @(address) begin temp=instrmem[address/4]; end initial begin $readmemb("instr.txt", instrmem); end endmodule module instrmemstimulous(); reg [31:0] addr; wire [31:0] instr; InstructionMem instructionmemory(instr, addr); initial begin $monitor("Mem Address=%h instruction=%b",addr,instr); addr=32'd0; #10000 addr=32'd4; #10000 addr=32'd8; #10000 addr=32'd12; #10000 addr=32'd16; #10000 addr=32'd20; #10000 addr=32'd24; #10000 addr=32'd28; #10000; $finish; end endmodule
Instructions that you want to load into the instruction memory need to save in the "instr.txt" in the binary format. If you want to save it hexadecimal format, replace the $readmemb instruction by $readmemh instruction in the Verilog code of the instruction memory. Below is an example of the "instr.txt" file:
00111000000100000000000000000011 00111000000100010000000000000100 00001000000000000000000000000101 00111000000100000000000000000001 00111000000100010000000000000001 00000010001100001001000000100010 00010110000100011111111111111100 00000010000100011001100000100000 10101110010100110000000000010000 10001110010101000000000000010000 00000010000101001010100000101010 10001110010100110000000000010000 00111010010100110000000000000001 00111010101101010000000000000001 00000010101000000000000000001000
Verilog code for 32-bit Adder:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Verilog code for 32-bit adder module Add(S,A,B); output [31:0] S; input [31:0] A,B; wire [31:0] C; adder1bit adder1bit0(S[0],C[0],A[0],B[0],1'b0); adder1bit adder1bit1(S[1],C[1],A[1],B[1],C[0]); adder1bit adder1bit2(S[2],C[2],A[2],B[2],C[1]); adder1bit adder1bit3(S[3],C[3],A[3],B[3],C[2]); adder1bit adder1bit4(S[4],C[4],A[4],B[4],C[3]); adder1bit adder1bit5(S[5],C[5],A[5],B[5],C[4]); adder1bit adder1bit6(S[6],C[6],A[6],B[6],C[5]); adder1bit adder1bit7(S[7],C[7],A[7],B[7],C[6]); adder1bit adder1bit8(S[8],C[8],A[8],B[8],C[7]); adder1bit adder1bit9(S[9],C[9],A[9],B[9],C[8]); adder1bit adder1bit10(S[10],C[10],A[10],B[10],C[9]); adder1bit adder1bit11(S[11],C[11],A[11],B[11],C[10]); adder1bit adder1bit12(S[12],C[12],A[12],B[12],C[11]); adder1bit adder1bit13(S[13],C[13],A[13],B[13],C[12]); adder1bit adder1bit14(S[14],C[14],A[14],B[14],C[13]); adder1bit adder1bit15(S[15],C[15],A[15],B[15],C[14]); adder1bit adder1bit16(S[16],C[16],A[16],B[16],C[15]); adder1bit adder1bit17(S[17],C[17],A[17],B[17],C[16]); adder1bit adder1bit18(S[18],C[18],A[18],B[18],C[17]); adder1bit adder1bit19(S[19],C[19],A[19],B[19],C[18]); adder1bit adder1bit20(S[20],C[20],A[20],B[20],C[19]); adder1bit adder1bit21(S[21],C[21],A[21],B[21],C[20]); adder1bit adder1bit22(S[22],C[22],A[22],B[22],C[21]); adder1bit adder1bit23(S[23],C[23],A[23],B[23],C[22]); adder1bit adder1bit24(S[24],C[24],A[24],B[24],C[23]); adder1bit adder1bit25(S[25],C[25],A[25],B[25],C[24]); adder1bit adder1bit26(S[26],C[26],A[26],B[26],C[25]); adder1bit adder1bit27(S[27],C[27],A[27],B[27],C[26]); adder1bit adder1bit28(S[28],C[28],A[28],B[28],C[27]); adder1bit adder1bit29(S[29],C[29],A[29],B[29],C[28]); adder1bit adder1bit30(S[30],C[30],A[30],B[30],C[29]); adder1bit adder1bit31(S[31],C[31],A[31],B[31],C[30]); endmodule //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1 ps / 100 fs module adder1bit(sum,cout,a,b,cin); input a,b,cin; output cout,sum; // sum = a xor b xor cin xor #(50) (sum,a,b,cin); // carry out = a.b + cin.(a+b) and #(50) and1(c1,a,b); or #(50) or1(c2,a,b); and #(50) and2(c3,c2,cin); or #(50) or2(cout,c1,c3); endmodule
Verilog code for register file:
`timescale 1 ps / 100 fs // FPGA projects, Verilog Projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog // Register file module regfile( ReadData1, ReadData2, WriteData, ReadRegister1, ReadRegister2, WriteRegister, RegWrite, reset, clk); input [4:0]ReadRegister1,ReadRegister2,WriteRegister; input [31:0] WriteData; input RegWrite,reset, clk; output [31:0] ReadData1, ReadData2; wire [31:0] WriteEn; wire [31:0] RegArray [0:31]; integer i; //----Decoder Block decoder Decoder1( WriteEn,RegWrite,WriteRegister); register reg0 (RegArray[0],32'b0,1'b1,1'b0, clk); register reg1 (RegArray[1],WriteData,WriteEn[1],reset,clk); register reg2 (RegArray[2],WriteData,WriteEn[2],reset,clk); register reg3 (RegArray[3],WriteData,WriteEn[3],reset,clk); register reg4 (RegArray[4],WriteData,WriteEn[4],reset,clk); register reg5 (RegArray[5],WriteData,WriteEn[5],reset,clk); register reg6 (RegArray[6],WriteData,WriteEn[6],reset,clk); register reg7 (RegArray[7],WriteData,WriteEn[7],reset,clk); register reg8 (RegArray[8],WriteData,WriteEn[8],reset,clk); register reg9 (RegArray[9],WriteData,WriteEn[9],reset,clk); register reg10 (RegArray[10],WriteData,WriteEn[10],reset,clk); register reg11 (RegArray[11],WriteData,WriteEn[11],reset,clk); register reg12 (RegArray[12],WriteData,WriteEn[12],reset,clk); register reg13 (RegArray[13],WriteData,WriteEn[13],reset,clk); register reg14 (RegArray[14],WriteData,WriteEn[14],reset,clk); register reg15 (RegArray[15],WriteData,WriteEn[15],reset,clk); register reg16 (RegArray[16],WriteData,WriteEn[16],reset,clk); register reg17 (RegArray[17],WriteData,WriteEn[17],reset,clk); register reg18 (RegArray[18],WriteData,WriteEn[18],reset,clk); register reg19 (RegArray[19],WriteData,WriteEn[19],reset,clk); register reg20 (RegArray[20],WriteData,WriteEn[20],reset,clk); register reg21 (RegArray[21],WriteData,WriteEn[21],reset,clk); register reg22 (RegArray[22],WriteData,WriteEn[22],reset,clk); register reg23 (RegArray[23],WriteData,WriteEn[23],reset,clk); register reg24 (RegArray[24],WriteData,WriteEn[24],reset,clk); register reg25 (RegArray[25],WriteData,WriteEn[25],reset,clk); register reg26 (RegArray[26],WriteData,WriteEn[26],reset,clk); register reg27 (RegArray[27],WriteData,WriteEn[27],reset,clk); register reg28 (RegArray[28],WriteData,WriteEn[28],reset,clk); register reg29 (RegArray[29],WriteData,WriteEn[29],reset,clk); register reg30 (RegArray[30],WriteData,WriteEn[30],reset,clk); register reg31 (RegArray[31],WriteData,WriteEn[31],reset,clk); //----32x32to32 Multiplexor1 Block---- mux32x32to32 Mux1(ReadData1,RegArray[0], RegArray[1],RegArray[2], RegArray[3],RegArray[4],RegArray[5],RegArray[6],RegArray[7], RegArray[8],RegArray[9],RegArray[10],RegArray[11],RegArray[12],RegArray[13],RegArray[14],RegArray[15],RegArray[16],RegArray[17], RegArray[18], RegArray[19],RegArray[20],RegArray[21],RegArray[22],RegArray[23],RegArray[24],RegArray[25],RegArray[26], RegArray[27], RegArray[28], RegArray[29],RegArray[30],RegArray[31], ReadRegister1 ); //----32x32to32 Multiplexor2 Block---- mux32x32to32 Mux2(ReadData2,RegArray[0], RegArray[1],RegArray[2], RegArray[3],RegArray[4],RegArray[5],RegArray[6],RegArray[7], RegArray[8],RegArray[9],RegArray[10],RegArray[11],RegArray[12],RegArray[13],RegArray[14],RegArray[15],RegArray[16],RegArray[17], RegArray[18], RegArray[19],RegArray[20],RegArray[21],RegArray[22],RegArray[23],RegArray[24],RegArray[25],RegArray[26], RegArray[27], RegArray[28], RegArray[29],RegArray[30],RegArray[31], ReadRegister2 ); endmodule //------------DFF------------------- module D_FF (q, d, reset, clk); output q; input d, reset, clk; reg q; // Indicate that q is stateholding always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) q = 0; // On reset, set to 0 else q = d; // Otherwise out = d endmodule // 1 bit register module RegBit(BitOut, BitData, WriteEn,reset, clk); output BitOut; // 1 bit of register input BitData, WriteEn; input reset,clk; wire d,f1, f2; // input of D Flip-Flop wire reset; //assign reset=0; and #(50) U1(f1, BitOut, (~WriteEn)); and #(50) U2(f2, BitData, WriteEn); or #(50) U3(d, f1, f2); D_FF DFF0(BitOut, d, reset, clk); endmodule //32 bit register module register(RegOut,RegIn,WriteEn,reset,clk); output [31:0] RegOut; input [31:0] RegIn; input WriteEn,reset, clk; RegBit bit31(RegOut[31],RegIn[31],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit30(RegOut[30],RegIn[30],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit29(RegOut[29],RegIn[29],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit28(RegOut[28],RegIn[28],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit27(RegOut[27],RegIn[27],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit26(RegOut[26],RegIn[26],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit25(RegOut[25],RegIn[25],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit24(RegOut[24],RegIn[24],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit23(RegOut[23],RegIn[23],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit22(RegOut[22],RegIn[22],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit21(RegOut[21],RegIn[21],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit20(RegOut[20],RegIn[20],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit19(RegOut[19],RegIn[19],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit18(RegOut[18],RegIn[18],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit17(RegOut[17],RegIn[17],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit16(RegOut[16],RegIn[16],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit15(RegOut[15],RegIn[15],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit14(RegOut[14],RegIn[14],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit13(RegOut[13],RegIn[13],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit12(RegOut[12],RegIn[12],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit11(RegOut[11],RegIn[11],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit10(RegOut[10],RegIn[10],WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit9 (RegOut[9], RegIn[9], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit8 (RegOut[8], RegIn[8], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit7 (RegOut[7], RegIn[7], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit6 (RegOut[6], RegIn[6], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit5 (RegOut[5], RegIn[5], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit4 (RegOut[4], RegIn[4], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit3 (RegOut[3], RegIn[3], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit2 (RegOut[2], RegIn[2], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit1 (RegOut[1], RegIn[1], WriteEn,reset,clk); RegBit bit0 (RegOut[0], RegIn[0], WriteEn,reset,clk); endmodule // Decoder module decoder(WriteEn,RegWrite, WriteRegister); input RegWrite; input [4:0] WriteRegister; output [31:0] WriteEn; wire [31:0] OE; // Output Enable dec5to32 dec(OE,WriteRegister); assign WriteEn[0]=0; and #(50) gate1(WriteEn[1],OE[1],RegWrite); and #(50) gate2(WriteEn[2],OE[2],RegWrite); and #(50) gate3(WriteEn[3],OE[3],RegWrite); and #(50) gate4(WriteEn[4],OE[4],RegWrite); and #(50) gate5(WriteEn[5],OE[5],RegWrite); and #(50) gate6(WriteEn[6],OE[6],RegWrite); and #(50) gate7(WriteEn[7],OE[7],RegWrite); and #(50) gate8(WriteEn[8],OE[8],RegWrite); and #(50) gate9(WriteEn[9],OE[9],RegWrite); and #(50) gate10(WriteEn[10],OE[10],RegWrite); and #(50) gate11(WriteEn[11],OE[11],RegWrite); and #(50) gate12(WriteEn[12],OE[12],RegWrite); and #(50) gate13(WriteEn[13],OE[13],RegWrite); and #(50) gate14(WriteEn[14],OE[14],RegWrite); and #(50) gate15(WriteEn[15],OE[15],RegWrite); and #(50) gate16(WriteEn[16],OE[16],RegWrite); and #(50) gate17(WriteEn[17],OE[17],RegWrite); and #(50) gate18(WriteEn[18],OE[18],RegWrite); and #(50) gate19(WriteEn[19],OE[19],RegWrite); and #(50) gate20(WriteEn[20],OE[20],RegWrite); and #(50) gate21(WriteEn[21],OE[21],RegWrite); and #(50) gate22(WriteEn[22],OE[22],RegWrite); and #(50) gate23(WriteEn[23],OE[23],RegWrite); and #(50) gate24(WriteEn[24],OE[24],RegWrite); and #(50) gate25(WriteEn[25],OE[25],RegWrite); and #(50) gate26(WriteEn[26],OE[26],RegWrite); and #(50) gate27(WriteEn[27],OE[27],RegWrite); and #(50) gate28(WriteEn[28],OE[28],RegWrite); and #(50) gate29(WriteEn[29],OE[29],RegWrite); and #(50) gate30(WriteEn[30],OE[30],RegWrite); and #(50) gate31(WriteEn[31],OE[31],RegWrite); endmodule module andmore(g,a,b,c,d,e); output g; input a,b,c,d,e; and #(50) and1(f1,a,b,c,d), and2(g,f1,e); endmodule module dec5to32(Out,Adr); input [4:0] Adr; // Adr=Address of register output [31:0] Out; not #(50) Inv4(Nota, Adr[4]); not #(50) Inv3(Notb, Adr[3]); not #(50) Inv2(Notc, Adr[2]); not #(50) Inv1(Notd, Adr[1]); not #(50) Inv0(Note, Adr[0]); andmore a0(Out[0], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Note); // 00000 andmore a1(Out[1], Nota,Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); // 00001 andmore a2(Out[2], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note); //00010 andmore a3(Out[3], Nota,Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a4(Out[4], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note); andmore a5(Out[5], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a6(Out[6], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); andmore a7(Out[7], Nota,Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a8(Out[8], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note); andmore a9(Out[9], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a10(Out[10], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note); andmore a11(Out[11], Nota,Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a12(Out[12], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note); andmore a13(Out[13], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a14(Out[14], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); andmore a15(Out[15], Nota,Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a16(Out[16], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Note); andmore a17(Out[17], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a18(Out[18], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Note); andmore a19(Out[19], Adr[4],Notb,Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a20(Out[20], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Note); andmore a21(Out[21], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a22(Out[22], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); andmore a23(Out[23], Adr[4],Notb,Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a24(Out[24], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Note); andmore a25(Out[25], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a26(Out[26], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Note); andmore a27(Out[27], Adr[4],Adr[3],Notc,Adr[1],Adr[0]); andmore a28(Out[28], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Note); andmore a29(Out[29], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Notd,Adr[0]); andmore a30(Out[30], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Note); andmore a31(Out[31], Adr[4],Adr[3],Adr[2],Adr[1],Adr[0]); // 11111 endmodule //------------module multiplexor 32 to 1---------------- module mux32to1(Out, In , Select); output Out; input [31:0] In; input [4:0] Select; wire [31:0] OE,f; // OE = Output Enable dec5to32 dec1(OE,Select); and #(50) g_0(f[0],OE[0],In[0]); and #(50) g_1(f[1],OE[1],In[1]); and #(50) g_2(f[2],OE[2],In[2]); and #(50) g_3(f[3],OE[3],In[3]); and #(50) g_4(f[4],OE[4],In[4]); and #(50) g_5(f[5],OE[5],In[5]); and #(50) g_6(f[6],OE[6],In[6]); and #(50) g_7(f[7],OE[7],In[7]); and #(50) g_8(f[8],OE[8],In[8]); and #(50) g_9(f[9],OE[9],In[9]); and #(50) g_10(f[10],OE[10],In[10]); and #(50) g_11(f[11],OE[11],In[11]); and #(50) g_12(f[12],OE[12],In[12]); and #(50) g_13(f[13],OE[13],In[13]); and #(50) g_14(f[14],OE[14],In[14]); and #(50) g_15(f[15],OE[15],In[15]); and #(50) g_16(f[16],OE[16],In[16]); and #(50) g_17(f[17],OE[17],In[17]); and #(50) g_18(f[18],OE[18],In[18]); and #(50) g_19(f[19],OE[19],In[19]); and #(50) g_20(f[20],OE[20],In[20]); and #(50) g_21(f[21],OE[21],In[21]); and #(50) g_22(f[22],OE[22],In[22]); and #(50) g_23(f[23],OE[23],In[23]); and #(50) g_24(f[24],OE[24],In[24]); and #(50) g_25(f[25],OE[25],In[25]); and #(50) g_26(f[26],OE[26],In[26]); and #(50) g_27(f[27],OE[27],In[27]); and #(50) g_28(f[28],OE[28],In[28]); and #(50) g_29(f[29],OE[29],In[29]); and #(50) g_30(f[30],OE[30],In[30]); and #(50) g_31(f[31],OE[31],In[31]); or #(50) gate3(g3,f[0],f[1],f[2],f[3]); or #(50) gate4(g4,f[4],f[5],f[6],f[7]); or #(50) gate5(g5,f[8],f[9],f[10],f[11]); or #(50) gate6(g6,f[12],f[13],f[14],f[15]); or #(50) gate7(g7,f[16],f[17],f[18],f[19]); or #(50) gate8(g8,f[20],f[21],f[22],f[23]); or #(50) gate9(g9,f[24],f[25],f[26],f[27]); or #(50) gate10(g10,f[28],f[29],f[30],f[31]); or #(50) gate11(g11,g3,g4,g5,g6); or #(50) gate12(g12,g7,g8,g9,10); or #(50) gate(Out,g11,g12); endmodule module mux32x32to32(ReadData,In0, In1,In2,In3,In4,In5,In6,In7,In8,In9,In10,In11,In12,In13,In14,In15,In16,In17,In18,In19,In20,In21,In22,In23, In24,In25,In26,In27,In28,In29,In30,In31,ReadRegister); input [31:0] In0, In1,In2,In3,In4,In5,In6,In7,In8,In9,In10,In11,In12,In13,In14,In15,In16,In17,In18,In19,In20,In21,In22,In23,In24,In25,In26,In27,In28,In29,In30,In31; input [4:0] ReadRegister; output [31:0] ReadData; reg [31:0] ArrayReg [0:31]; integer j; always @(*) begin for (j=0;j<=31;j=j+1) ArrayReg[j] = {In31[j], In30[j],In29[j],In28[j],In27[j],In26[j],In25[j],In24[j],In23[j],In22[j],In21[j], In20[j],In19[j],In18[j],In17[j],In16[j],In15[j],In14[j],In13[j],In12[j],In11[j], In10[j],In9[j],In8[j],In7[j],In6[j],In5[j],In4[j],In3[j],In2[j],In1[j],In0[j]}; end mux32to1 mux0(ReadData[0],ArrayReg[0],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux1(ReadData[1],ArrayReg[1],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux2(ReadData[2],ArrayReg[2],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux3(ReadData[3],ArrayReg[3],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux4(ReadData[4],ArrayReg[4],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux5(ReadData[5],ArrayReg[5],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux6(ReadData[6],ArrayReg[6],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux7(ReadData[7],ArrayReg[7],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux8(ReadData[8],ArrayReg[8],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux9(ReadData[9],ArrayReg[9],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux10(ReadData[10],ArrayReg[10],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux11(ReadData[11],ArrayReg[11],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux12(ReadData[12],ArrayReg[12],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux13(ReadData[13],ArrayReg[13],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux14(ReadData[14],ArrayReg[14],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux15(ReadData[15],ArrayReg[15],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux16(ReadData[16],ArrayReg[16],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux17(ReadData[17],ArrayReg[17],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux18(ReadData[18],ArrayReg[18],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux19(ReadData[19],ArrayReg[19],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux20(ReadData[20],ArrayReg[20],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux21(ReadData[21],ArrayReg[21],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux22(ReadData[22],ArrayReg[22],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux23(ReadData[23],ArrayReg[23],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux24(ReadData[24],ArrayReg[24],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux25(ReadData[25],ArrayReg[25],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux26(ReadData[26],ArrayReg[26],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux27(ReadData[27],ArrayReg[27],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux28(ReadData[28],ArrayReg[28],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux29(ReadData[29],ArrayReg[29],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux30(ReadData[30],ArrayReg[30],ReadRegister); mux32to1 mux31(ReadData[31],ArrayReg[31],ReadRegister); endmodule
Continue on the ALU design and Verilog code for the ALU. Let's move to the next part.
It is noted that you need to go through all the necessary parts( Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) to fully understand the process of designing the pipelined MIPS processor, and collect all the required Verilog code to be able to run the pipelined MIPS processor in simulation.
It is noted that you need to go through all the necessary parts( Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) to fully understand the process of designing the pipelined MIPS processor, and collect all the required Verilog code to be able to run the pipelined MIPS processor in simulation.
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13. Image processing on FPGA using Verilog HDL
14. How to load a text file into FPGA using Verilog HDL
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5. Verilog code for basic logic components in digital circuits
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16. Verilog code for Alarm Clock on FPGA
17. Verilog code for comparator design
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26. 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog (Part-2)
27. 32-bit 5-stage Pipelined MIPS Processor in Verilog (Part-3)
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32. Verilog code for Clock divider on FPGA
33. How to generate a clock enable signal in Verilog
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35. Verilog coding vs Software Programming
36. Verilog code for Sequence Detector using Moore FSM
Hi sir,
ReplyDeleteI executed following program, I am getting 10054 error "can't open design file instr.txt"
Instructions that you want to load into the instruction memory need to save in the "instr.txt" in the binary format. If you want to save it hexadecimal format, replace the $readmemb instruction by $readmemh instruction in the Verilog code of the instruction memory.
DeleteHi sir,
ReplyDeleteCan you pls tell me, how to give the instruction data memory in cadence. cadence tool cant accept the text file as input.
Double check your tool. It should be able to support Text file reading Verilog code.
Deletek sir. thank to write constraint file for risc processor in cadence
ReplyDeleteHi sir,I want code for 64 bit 5 stage pipelinig risc processor with 32 instructions in double cycle.MY requirements are
ReplyDelete1.ALU 2.Control unit 3.Shift registers 4.Accumulator registers 5.Memory 6.I/o ports 7.Serial ports