Last time, an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is designed and implemented in VHDL. Full VHDL code for the ALU was presented.
Today, fpga4student presents the Verilog code for the ALU. The testbench Verilog code for the ALU is also provided for simulation.

Verilog code for the ALU:
/* ALU Arithmetic and Logic Operations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |ALU_Sel| ALU Operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0000 | ALU_Out = A + B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0001 | ALU_Out = A - B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0010 | ALU_Out = A * B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0011 | ALU_Out = A / B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0100 | ALU_Out = A << 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0101 | ALU_Out = A >> 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0110 | ALU_Out = A rotated left by 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0111 | ALU_Out = A rotated right by 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1000 | ALU_Out = A and B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1001 | ALU_Out = A or B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1010 | ALU_Out = A xor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1011 | ALU_Out = A nor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1100 | ALU_Out = A nand B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1101 | ALU_Out = A xnor B; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1110 | ALU_Out = 1 if A>B else 0; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1111 | ALU_Out = 1 if A=B else 0; ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for ALU // by FPGA4STUDENT module alu( input [7:0] A,B, // ALU 8-bit Inputs input [3:0] ALU_Sel,// ALU Selection output [7:0] ALU_Out, // ALU 8-bit Output output CarryOut // Carry Out Flag ); reg [7:0] ALU_Result; wire [8:0] tmp; assign ALU_Out = ALU_Result; // ALU out assign tmp = {1'b0,A} + {1'b0,B}; assign CarryOut = tmp[8]; // Carryout flag always @(*) begin case(ALU_Sel) 4'b0000: // Addition ALU_Result = A + B ; 4'b0001: // Subtraction ALU_Result = A - B ; 4'b0010: // Multiplication ALU_Result = A * B; 4'b0011: // Division ALU_Result = A/B; 4'b0100: // Logical shift left ALU_Result = A<<1; 4'b0101: // Logical shift right ALU_Result = A>>1; 4'b0110: // Rotate left ALU_Result = {A[6:0],A[7]}; 4'b0111: // Rotate right ALU_Result = {A[0],A[7:1]}; 4'b1000: // Logical and ALU_Result = A & B; 4'b1001: // Logical or ALU_Result = A | B; 4'b1010: // Logical xor ALU_Result = A ^ B; 4'b1011: // Logical nor ALU_Result = ~(A | B); 4'b1100: // Logical nand ALU_Result = ~(A & B); 4'b1101: // Logical xnor ALU_Result = ~(A ^ B); 4'b1110: // Greater comparison ALU_Result = (A>B)?8'd1:8'd0 ; 4'b1111: // Equal comparison ALU_Result = (A==B)?8'd1:8'd0 ; default: ALU_Result = A + B ; endcase end endmodule
Testbench Verilog code for the ALU:
// FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects // Verilog project: Verilog code for ALU // by FPGA4STUDENT `timescale 1ns / 1ps module tb_alu; //Inputs reg[7:0] A,B; reg[3:0] ALU_Sel; //Outputs wire[7:0] ALU_Out; wire CarryOut; // Verilog code for ALU integer i; alu test_unit( A,B, // ALU 8-bit Inputs ALU_Sel,// ALU Selection ALU_Out, // ALU 8-bit Output CarryOut // Carry Out Flag ); initial begin // hold reset state for 100 ns. A = 8'h0A; B = 4'h02; ALU_Sel = 4'h0; for (i=0;i<=15;i=i+1) begin ALU_Sel = ALU_Sel + 8'h01; #10; end; A = 8'hF6; B = 8'h0A; end endmodule
Simulation waveform for the ALU:

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when i run the test bench initial addition operation is somehow skipped. how can it be corrected?
ReplyDeleteI guess you did not "Zoom Fit" to see the whole simulation waveform.
DeleteAre the /,* and % operator synthesizable in verilog. Can they go into real FPGA
ReplyDeleteIs there a program design in 2 bit calculator with operation addition,subtraction, and multiplication ?