Virtual Point Robot in MIPS Assembly

In this project, a MIPS Assembly program is written to move a virtual point robot on a given environment. 

The dimensions of the environment, starting coordinates of the robot, locations of obstacles and moving commands will be provided. The program should move the robot according to the given provided commands, environment dimensions, and obstacle coordinates. At the end of the program, the final coordinate of the robot should be presented. 

Below is an example of the input : 
3x5 is the dimension of the provided environment.
(1,2) is the initial coordinate of the robot.
(0,4) and (2,3) are the coordinates of the obstacles.
# is the character which separates the input parts.

virtual point robot mips
Virtual presentation of the example environment

As we can see in the virtual presentation of the environment, the directions of moving commands (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H) are shown. 
The expected final coordinate of the robot is (2,2).
When the program receives a moving command, it will check if there is any obstacle at the next position. If it detects an obstacle at the next position, the program should ignore the moving command. Otherwise, the program will move the robot with respect to the moving command.

Below is the MIPS assembly code for the virtual point robot:

####### A virtual point robot ##############
input: .space 201 # save the logic expression 
size_envir: .space 201 # save the dimensions of environment
start_coordinate: .space 201    # save the start_coordinate of robot
obstacles: .space 201 # save all coordinates of obstacles
result: .asciiz "("
sign1:  .asciiz ","
sign2:  .asciiz ")"
.text #enables text input / output, kind of like String.h in C++
###############  Main ###################
la $a0,input  #input for logic expression to get dimensions of environment, starting coordinates...
li $a1,201
li $v0,8
syscall  # get the logic expression from the console
la $a1,size_envir # save the dimensions of environment
xori $s0,$a0,0x00
xori $s1,$a1,0x00
lb $t1, 0($s0) 
sb $t1,0($s1) 
lb $t1, 2($s0) 
sb $t1,1($s1) 
la $a1,start_coordinate # save the starting coordinates of robot
xori $s0,$a0,0x00
xori $s1,$a1,0x00
lb $t1, 5($s0) 
sb $t1,0($s1) 
lb $t1, 7($s0) 
sb $t1,1($s1) 
lb $t6,0($s1) # save x-coordinate of robot
lb $t7,1($s1) # save y-coordinate of robot
la $a1,obstacles # save the coordinates of obstacles
xori $s0,$a0,0x00
xori $s1,$a1,0x00
lb $t1, 11($s0) 
sb $t1,0($s1) 
lb $t1, 13($s0) 
sb $t1,1($s1) 
addi $a0,$a0,9
addi $a1,$a1,1
check_obstables: # check next obstacles
addi $a0,$a0,6
xori $s0,$a0,0x00
lb $t1,0($s0)
addi $t2,$zero,35 # detect the "#" character to know whether or not there is no next obstacles.
addi $t3,$zero,44 # detect the "," character
xori $t4,$s0,0x00
beq $t1,$t2,move_command # perform move commands
beq $t1,$t3,next_obstacles # check next obstacles 
li $v0,10  # code for exit 
syscall   # exit program 
addi $t4,$t4,2
xori $s0,$t4,0
lb $t1,0($s0)
addi $a1,$a1,1
xori $s1,$a1,0x00
sb $t1,0($s1)
addi $a1,$a1,1
xori $s1,$a1,0x00
addi $s0,$s0,2
lb $t1,0($s0)
sb $t1,0($s1)
j check_obstables
la $a3,obstacles
subu $t5,$a1,$a3
#addi $t5,$t5,1 # $t5 is the number of obstacles
move_doing: # do the move commands
addi $a0,$a0,1 # next move command
xori $s0,$a0,0x00
lb $t1,0($s0)
addi $t2,$zero,35 
beq $t1,$t2,finish # if the command is #, finish the program. otherwise, move on the command
# Continue to do the command
xori $t2,$zero,0x41 # "A" command
beq $t1,$t2,A_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x42 # "B" command
beq $t1,$t2,B_command
xori $t2,$zero,0x43 # "C" command
beq $t1,$t2,C_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x44 # "D" command
beq $t1,$t2,D_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x45 # "E" command
beq $t1,$t2,E_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x46 # "F" command
beq $t1,$t2,F_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x47 # "G" command
beq $t1,$t2,G_command 
xori $t2,$zero,0x48 # "H" command
beq $t1,$t2,H_command 
li $v0,10  # code for exit 
syscall   # exit program 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    addi $t2,$t2,1
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    addi $t2,$t2,1
    addi $t1,$t1,1
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    addi $t1,$t1,0x01
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    addi $t1,$t1,0x01
    xori $t3,$zero,0x01
    sub $t2,$t2,$t3
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    xori $t3,$zero,0x01
    sub $t2,$t2,$t3
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    xori $t3,$zero,0x01
    sub $t2,$t2,$t3
    sub $t1,$t1,$t3
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    xori $t3,$zero,0x01
    sub $t1,$t1,$t3
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
    xori $t1,$t6,0x00
    xori $t2,$t7,0x00
    xori $t3,$zero,0x01
    sub $t1,$t1,$t3
    addi $t2,$t2,1
    addi $t4,$t5,0
    j check_border 
check:  #t4 is the number of obstacles
 #t1: x new
 #t2: y new
 la $a3,obstacles
 add $s0,$a3,$t4
 lb $t3,0($s0)
 beq $t3,$t2,keep_1
 xori $t3,$zero,0x01
 sub $t4,$t4,$t3
 j next_check
keep_1: xori $t3,$zero,0x01
 sub $t4,$t4,$t3
 la $a3,obstacles
 add $s0,$a3,$t4
 lb $t3,0($s0)
 beq $t3,$t1,keep_position
 j next_check
 xori $t3,$zero,0x01
 sub $t4,$t4,$t3
 bltz $t4,update_robot
 j check
 xori $t3,$zero,48
 blt $t1,$t3,keep_position
 xori $t3,$zero,48
 blt $t2,$t3,keep_position
 la $a3, size_envir
 xori $s0,$a3,0x00
 lb $t3,0($s0)
 beq $t1,$t3,keep_position 
 xori $s0,$a3,0x00 
 lb $t3,1($s0) 
 beq $t2,$t3,keep_position 
 j check
update_robot: addi $t6,$t1,0 # x-coordinate
 addi $t7,$t2,0  # y-coordinate
 j move_doing 
 j move_doing
finish: # finish all the command and output the final coordinate of robot
li $v0, 4       # $system call code for print_str
la $a0, result     # $address of string to print
syscall         # print the string
li $v0, 1       # $system call code for print_int
xori $t1,$zero,48
subu $t6,$t6,$t1
xori $a0,$t6,0x00       # $integer to print
syscall         # print it
li $v0, 4       # $system call code for print_str
la $a0, sign1     # $address of string to print
li $v0, 1       # $system call code for print_int
xori $t1,$zero,48
subu $t7,$t7,$t1
xori $a0,$t7,0x00       # $integer to print
li $v0, 4       # $system call code for print_str
la $a0, sign2     # $address of string to print
li $v0,10  # code for exit 
syscall   # exit program 
The program is verified on Qtspim and got the correct final coordinate of the robot as shown in the following figure.

virtual point robot mips
Result of the program

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